Bitcoin Payment
You can also pay for your orders by using a Bitcoin payment system.
Bitcoin which was released in 2009 as open-source software, is a digital store of value and payment system. The system is peer-to-peer; that means users can transact directly without needing an intermediary. Transactions are verified by network nodes and recorded in a public distributed ledger called the blockchain. The ledger uses its own unit of account, also called bitcoin. The system works without a central repository or single administrator, which has led the US Treasury to categorize it as a decentralized virtual currency. Bitcoin is often called the first cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is more correctly described as the first decentralized digital currency.
MoneyGram / Western Union / RIA
Customers can pay for their products by Western Union or MoneyGram Systems simply and easily at their nearest Western Union or MoneyGram agency.
What are Western Union & MoneyGram? Western Union and MoneyGram are two different payment methods Systems. They are fast, effective, and simple money transfer solutions, and are much more viable and secured methods of payment by cash in comparison to sending in the post or collecting in person.
As a customer of Luna Health Factory, you can transfer funds via Western Union online or at a local agent, and we (The Receiver) can pick up your funds(or payment) at participating agents locally. They are a convenient and easy way to transfer money.
After approval, your money arrives in minutes. We as the receivers can then pick up the money immediately. As receivers, we must show an ID to pick up the money.
How to pay by Western Union or MoneyGram? To make a payment by Western Union or MoneyGram, you need our Western Union/MoneyGram details. To obtain these, you can either copy those details at Checkout while passing your order on our site, or just contact us once you have successfully placed your order online, and we will email the details over to you.
Once you have made your payment you will be given a money transfer control number (otherwise known as an MTCN). You will need to email the MTCN number and the full name of the person who made the payment to us in order for us to verify that the payment has been made and that it is for the correct amount.
Once we have verified the payment which only takes a few minutes we will change the status of your order to “awaiting shipment” and begin the dispatch process for you to receive your order as soon as possible.